Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Posted by xululx at 2:25 AM
Sesungguhnya am not a very good writer,either in bahasa negaraku MALAYSIA,or even bahasa mengada-propaganda ENGLISH..

Tapi mukadimah dan cherpen yang ku cuba susun were absolutely to 'FILL-IN-THE-BLANK' a few color code yang definately not included in our PANTONE guide.

Easier to be remembered,senang untuk menggangu segelintir (maybe quit numbers!) makhlok yang claimed themself as kebal which is "KAMI SEMUA BETOI.....","...ORANG MUDA APA TAO","KIDS,KIDS,KIDS...WHAT ELSE DO THEY KNOW BESIDE SLEEPS".

I'm pretty sure there'll be ALOT of kaum especially MAJORITY yang panas and CANNOT terima the kind of theory yang ku cuba sampaikan..

Teori milik kita yang dah semestinya kita bina dari saat mula pengKENALAN diri towards these very life,the theory that we've been evolving with,theory that discribe the rumors and all the eccentrics behavior yang kita lalui..



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